
My Intent

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - Hmm, what's this?

source:  Laughing Squid (

Hello, all readers...Recently, I've been more in the mood for receiving tips then doling them out.  I suppose you could say that I've been in a hiberno-reflective mood.  So, for the last few weeks, I've thought about doing a new column called "Shan Shares."  Maybe I should turn it into another full-fledged blog.  Who knows?

OK, ruminating online isn't always the most productive thing to do.  And so with that being the case, I'm going to start new postings under "Shan Shares" and suspend the "Tuesday's Tips" version of this blog.  I'll still post tips but will also vary my postings to include some additional thoughts or slices of life moments.

And yes, I do think that "Shan Shares" has somewhat of a kitschy early 80s sound to it...but that's why I like it.  : )

All the Best!

Update:  It turned out the "Shan Shares" addess was already in use on blogspot, so instead I've created a new blog called Shannon HQ, you can visit it here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - About "To-Dos"

This was a thought that occurred to me yesterday because there are some to-dos on my list which I haven't completed.  I haven't implemented this myself yet but will see how it work when I do.  Essentially, if there's something on your to-do list that you can't get around to you can list 3 examples of one of the following...
1.  How you'll feel when the task is done (relieved, energized, calm)
2.  Your reason for wanting/having to do a certain task (you promised someone you'd do something, it's a key step in a larger project, there's a deadline)
3.  The benefits (you'll help someone else, you'll feel healthier, you won't have to keep re-writing it on your to-do lists.)

Hope you/we have a chance to give this a try....or then again, it's even better if we don't delay our to-dos and therefore not have to resort to this tactic.  : )

Wish everyone a great week!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - A 2-Step Challenge Exercise

All right, will launch right into the 2 steps....

1.  Think of 2 successes whether it's learning to tie your shoes or having an article published you've had and extrapolate the strengths you demonstrated or gained.  What did you have to do to achieve the success?  What qualities did you display in reaching your goal?  Did you even think it was possible for you to succeed?

2.  Next, think of a current challenge or obstacle you're facing and imagine what strengths you'll acquire or increase by overcoming it.  For instance, having a money challenge could teach you to be smarter about personal finance, to appreciate life's non-monetary aspects and to strengthen your inner resilience.*  Having a clutter challenge could teach you to be cautious about the items you acquire and to value organizing systems. 

What's the point? 
By reflecting on how your current challenges will strengthen you, you can appreciate the gifts that these challenges will bring.  You can also keep these gifts in mind when your challenges are especially challenging.

(Please note, I'm not trying to be flip or blithely dismiss people who have a financial challengeI'm not saying, "It's great that you're broke!" but I'm supportive of us learning from our challenges)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - What's the Benefit?

This post is geared towards someone who may have started a new habit, say around January or so, and then dropped it.  Or if you were inspired by last week's post and yet haven't managed to adjust your morning routine, then this post is to have you focus on the benefit of a new habit or routine.

The idea is to think of as many benefits as possible to a new habit which you wish to undertake.  Hopefully, during those moments when your motivation lags or you experience a relapse, then by remembering the benefits, you can have a positive result to move you forward.  Or if the consequences of not adopting a new habit motivate you, then you can list that as well.  For instance, you can ask yourself, what will your life be like in 5 years if this habit continues.

So, here's how this will work.

1.  Decide which new habit you want to adopt for this year.

2.  List the benefits of adopting the new habit.

3.  Take a 30 minute break, again list any other benefits that come to mind to adopting this new habit.  Here are some questions:  How would you feel when you're free of your old habit?  Who could you inspire?  How much money could you save?    How much time would you save?  What else could you do by establishing this new habit?  What new people would you meet or new environment would you be in?  What fears or limiting beliefs about yourself would you eliminate?

4.  Over the next 14 days, either in the morning or night, review the list of benefits.  If reviewing the list of benefits leaves you feeling indifferent, search for more worthwhile benefits or decide if you're truly committed to adopting a new habit.

When adopting a new habit you'll have to alter/eliminate an old habit which while a part of you may want to give up, another part of you may still be clinging to.  So practice patience and kindness with yourself and celebrate the progress that you make, whether it's starting a morning yoga practice or finally getting rid of your stack of old newspapers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - Your Ideal Morning

source: (Guillaume Cattiaux)
In the past, I've posted on this blog or on the Optimal Habits blog about describing your Ideal Day or even your Ideal Year.  For some people thinking about their Ideal Day or Ideal Year may be too much absorb and perhaps may result in the person feeling that it's something he/she would like to have but couldn't really experience.  So for today's tip we're going to focus on describing your Ideal Morning.

Here are some questions to get you started:
1.  Would you wake up with an alarm clock or naturally?

2.  How do you want to feel when you wake up (energetic, enthusiastic, calm, well-rested, excited)?

3.  Would every morning be new and fresh or would there be a set routine that you'd follow?

4.  What activities would be included in your Ideal Day, e.g., exercise, meditation, finishing yesterday's task, journaling, reading?

5.  Do you want to start your morning by working on your top priorities or by gradually easing into the day's activities?

6.  Do you start your Ideal Morning with music or in silence?

7.  Currently, what are your typical mornings like?

8.  On a scale of 1-10 (10 = Ideal), how close are you to realizing your Ideal Morning?

9.  What adjustments can you make this week to bring you closer to your Ideal Morning?  Some possibilities could be to wake up earlier, eat a healthy breakfast, plan your day the night before, go to bed earlier.

Often the way we start our morning affects the rest of our day so by getting closer to your Ideal Morning, you can also get closer to having your Ideal Day.