
My Intent

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday's Tip - Time to Review
Instructions:  All right, before you read today's tip, take 3 deep breaths or do the meditation posted above.  Hopefully, you're now able to focus for the entry beloew.

Often times, the start of a new month is a good time for to review our day, our week, our life, our habits.  Are we still on track with out goals?  Is our life moving in the direction which we'd like it to move in?  Below are some additional ideas to help with this self-review:

Yesterday - What did you do yesterday that you wish to continue or to stop?

The past week - Did you work on your major goals during the week?  Can you even recall the past week?

2010 - Do you have any goals that you wish to accomplish for 2010? Are there some goals that you're finding it difficult to accomplish?  What resources (information/people) can help you with reaching your goal?
This link has an assessment which can be found on Day 1 of their "30-Day Journey to a Life You Love."

Previous blog entries - Is there a past posting that you'd like to work on?  As for myself, I want to try some of the stretching ideas from a previous post.  Have you had a chance to work on your dream goal?  Have you done an inventory of your good and bad habits?

Are you moving your life in the direction that you'd wish it to go in or are you finding it difficult to even think about setting goals?  Are you reviewing your financial goals?

Hmm, after all of those questions, I think now is a good time for us to review that meditation exercise.  : )  So here it is once more...

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