
My Intent

Monday, November 1, 2010

Introducing the 30 Day Life Improvement Plan

 This Life Improvement Plan* is for people who are easily distracted, low on energy and wanting to feel great before January 1.  It's your chance to take care of yourself before the onslaught of the holiday festivities.  Hopefully, with some of the tools in this plan, you'll survive the holidays and will have a head start on the New Year.  If you want, you can click on the gadget on the right to listen to an audio "rendition" of this.

This plan will cover 4 main themes -
Clearing our minds
Creating a success environment
Renewing our energy
Managing our time 

For Day 1, we’ll do an exercise of unloading our thoughts. For this you’ll need paper, pen, highlighter and about 20-30 minutes of time. All right, so here are the steps -
1.  Time yourself for 10 minutes as you write your concerns or thoughts. (You can use the computer or paper and pen for this exercise. If you use a computer, please save the document and print it.)

2. With your completed list, cross out the concerns that are beyond your control.

3.  Put a "D" next to the concerns that you can delegate, if possible.  (Be sure to follow through and delegate these items.

4.  Choose 3 concerns that are manageable enough for you to complete by Novemmber 2.

That it!

Here's what's coming up:
Day 2 - Rate life.  Give reason for rating.  Rate commitment to plan and also give reason.
Day 3 - Observe your complaints.  At end of day, list your complaints.

*Just in case, here's a quick disclaimer:  Information is for self development purposes. Please trust your own common sense. If any suggestion doesn’t suit you, you can adjust it or substitute it. Although I'm a certified professional coach, I’m not a counselor, therapist nutritionist, nor trained medical professional.

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